Silver Spur Officer Groups Complete Training Camps

Summer started off with camp, camp, camp for the Silver Spurs. After the most highly attended Bronco Dance Camp ever, the Social Officers and Mrs. Roberts were off to Danceline's Training Camp in Irving. The socials had a wonderful weekend where they learned, planned and danced almost 24/7. They came back with awards for oustanding effort, and each dancer was chosen for Danceline Elite! Congratualtions ladies! The dance officers and Mrs. Parlin then headed to Frisco for Encore Officer Training Camp. They took master classes from instructors from California and New York,learned 3 dances (including an evlauation on the advanced jazz), and completed many assignments that developed their leadership styles and strategies. The Silver Spurs will be in good shape when they report back for team training and camp at the end of July! Congratulations to our officer groups on a successful June and enjoy your summer!